Press Release

PMOLED TDDI IC Named 1st Runner Up in HKEPC 2019 Organized by Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE)

(HONG KONG, 9 April 2019) Solomon Systech Limited (“Solomon Systech”) is pleased to announce that its new PMOLED (Passive matrix OLED) Touch and Display Driver Integration (TDDI) IC, SSD7317, which is the first of its kind globally, has won 1st Runner Up – Industry Category of this year’s Hong Kong Electronics Project Competition (HKEPC) organized by the Electronics Division of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) with the theme of “Innovation for Tomorrow”. An award presentation ceremony was held today during the Hong Kong Electronics Symposium at the Hong Kong Science Park.

This is the 4th industry award that this innovative product has bagged since its launch in 2018. Prior to HKEPC, SSD7317 has already received the Hong Kong Awards for Industry – Technological Achievement Award and IET (Institute of Engineering and Technology) Innovation Awards – Communications Category (Highly Commended). The SSD7317 module also won the “Outstanding Product Award – Materials and Components Category” of the Gold Panel Awards 2018 in Taiwan.

The award-winning PMOLED TDDI IC SSD7317 integrates display and touch microelectronics into a single chip for use on PMOLED panels, targeting IoT applications including wearables, smart home appliances and smart healthcare devices. It revolutionizes the PMOLED technology by transforming traditional PMOLED display panels into “touch + display” panels with no modifications needed on the existing display module structure. With 7 patents filed globally, this breakthrough product has not only reduced the total module costs and thickness substantially, enabled lighter and thinner form factor design, but it has also greatly enhanced the display quality and touch performance, and enabled higher final product assembly yield rate and shorter development cycle.

The SSD7317 is expected to further enhance the user experience of IoT smart devices which have strong growth potential, and also extend the applications of PMOLED technology in the IoT era.

Raymond Wang, Acting CEO, Solomon Systech Limited, said, “We are thrilled to have been conferred this award by the HKIE. Winning 4 awards in a row is a testimony not only to the innovativeness and strong potential of SSD7317, but also to our dedicated and hard-working team who are consistently innovating and providing excellent products to customers.”

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